Annabell's family
The lighting setup for tonight's pictures included 5 strobes. The main was on camera right with a large rectangular soft box with grids. The fill was on camera left with an octagonal soft box with grids. They were both set at about the same brightness for f11. Two background lights were set about f8. A hair light above and behind the family was set at about f11.
This is a simple standard pose for two people and a small child. I tried to wait for the child to lean out of the shadow, but it didn't happen. With more time to move and adjust the lights I could have eliminated the glasses reflections. But, class time is short and others waited to make their pictures.
Some times leaving problems like the reflections is a good learning tool. Those learning portraiture need to experience the frustration of dealing with glasses reflections before it is encountered in a serious photo session.
Canon EOS 5D Mark III, f/10 @ 55 mm, 1/160, ISO 200, No Flash
Ron McConathy